My Talk on GitHub and Open Source

A couple of months ago, I got approached by a student of COMSATS University, Computer Science Society βββ asking me to give a talk on GitHub. At first, I thought, there is no way I’m going to speak up in front of people. I never talked to a group of people for more than a couple of minutes. After much thought, I decided to take the opportunity. As an alumnus of COMSATS, it was the least I could do for the students.
The venue and the time that we decided was Seminar Hall at COMSATS Electrical Engineering Department on 23rd April 2019.
Deep down inside I, being an Open Source Developer, wanted to inspire students to start using GitHub and contribute to Open Source Community. I wanted to teach students what I didn’t know during my junior and sophomore years. I told them GitHub is the best portfolio they can have in 2019.
These were the topics that we covered in details:
- Why Git?
- What is Git?
- Git Clone
- Git Add
- Git Commit
- Git Status
- Git Push
- Git Pull
- Merge Conflicts
- Git Log
- Git Reset
- Branching
- Git Merge
- Pull Requests
In the end, we did a small activity in which students contributed to my GitHub repository by creating a pull requests ββ which I merged later on.
Moments To Remember
Looking back on my experience, I’m very thankful to have taken the opportunity to speak. I learned a lot during the preparation on talk and looking forward to more such opportunities. If you’ll ask me, I was nervous? Hell, Yes. I barely slept that night due to stress. But again, if you are doing something for the very first time, it is like getting yourself out of comfort zone. And, this is where you do wonders.
Thanks to Wajahat Ali Abid for helping me out during preparation and then giving the talk. And, special thanks to Hadia Jalil, who herself is a very good iOS developer, for all the support and helping me in making this event a successful one.
Peace β
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